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Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist

Did you ever see the film Forrest Gump, about a character who seems to magically appear during historic occasions over the course of decades?  David Hartsough seems to have manifested that same ability, except that it’s not fiction.

From visiting Montgomery, Alabama (and meeting Martin Luther King Jr.) during the early days of the bus strike that launched King’s career, to participating in lunch counter sit-ins as a college student and Civil Rights worker at Howard University, to traveling as a young citizen diplomat in the 1960’s Soviet Union, David’s life serves as a chronicle of many of the most important advances in 20th century nonviolence. With his equally committed wife, life-long activist Jan Hartsough, David has put his life on the line and served time on numerous occasions, protesting the violence that the US exports around the globe. Among many accomplishments, David co-founded Nonviolent Peaceforce, offering skillful unarmed peacekeeping intervention in several sites where conflict is present and lives are at risk, from the Sudan to Sri Lanka. The organization has become so successful that it was just nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. David continues his work today with a movement that seeks to abolish war forever, www.worldbeyondwar.org.

Given the fact that interpersonal challenges often inhibit social justice efforts and movements, David’s humility, loving support and generosity toward colleagues of every age are equally noteworthy. I am one of probably thousands of grateful beneficiaries of his support.

It’s a struggle to get the good news out about nonviolence with a mass media that seemingly feasts on stories of heartbreak and horror, making us doubt ourselves and each other. For those of us who care about nonviolence and its potential for contributing to a world that works for all, the commitment David shows through his amazing adventures will serve to educate, inspire and inoculate you against doubt of our collective ability to face and beat the odds.
To order your own copy of David’s book, click here!


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