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Nonviolence education is a core component of our work at the Gandhi Institute. We have developed these experiential resources for educators looking to learn and teach about Gandhi and strategic nonviolence.

Please write to mkgi@gandhiinstitute.org with any feedback.

Gandhi & Nonviolence Discovery Cards Curriculum

Our Gandhi & Nonviolence Cards have been used in classrooms all over the world to introduce students to Gandhi and the principles of strategic nonviolence. Thanks to Rochester educator Elizabeth McGary, we now have four lesson plans that teachers can use in conjunction with the cards. 

Downloadable Lesson Plans

Other Resources

Nonviolence & Current Events

Nonviolence News collects current stories of nonviolence in action from all over the world. Sign up to receive the weekly newsletter, or have your students peruse the website to learn how nonviolence is shaping the world today.  

Conflict Transformation Strategies

We’ve collected our top 10 tips for how to transform conflict and have more open, authentic, and meaningful conversations. Download the list below of check out our video series. 

Community Cookbook

In conjunction with Enrico Fermi School 17, the Gandhi Institute has published a community cookbook. The healthy recipes feature seasonal ingredients commonly found in community gardens, and ways to get kids involved in the kitchen.

Gandhi Family Photo Album

Enjoy this intimate look at the life of Mohandas Gandhi. In this video, Arun Gandhi narrates photos from his grandfather’s life and shares stories from his childhood years living with his grandparents in India.

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