Trish Joynt Goodman
At the end of graduate school, I was interviewing for college teaching jobs in Fine arts and I was dropping things without feeling it. I was diagnosed with MS. Well, that threw a wrench in the works. After graduating, I was disabled off and on but worked at home for my father doing office-work.
I got married and had our wonderful daughter. When she went to school, I eventually went back to work, this time at the University, but MS allowed me to work only part time. When my job ended there I was looking for another part time job.
Arun Gandhi had listed a position at the University working for an Institute he and his wife were establishing there. I had seen him give a talk at the Interfaith Chapel earlier in the year. His grandfather was an icon to me. Arun Gandhi, fifth grandson of the Mahatma. I was in awe.
I could apply for this job. I did and I got it, amazing to me, I worked for Arun for the first few years at the Institute, with an office at the Dean of Students on campus. It was an exciting time.
The next director Rev. Dr. Allison Stokes, who was also part time director of the Interfaith Chapel so the office was moved to the Chapel. The Institute was growing all the time, developing programs with UR students and in the community.
Kit Miller was hired as the next director and the Institute has flourished under her enthusiastic care. As my MS progressed, I was no longer able to continue my duties in the office. Luckily, the Board of Directors voted me in so I wouldn’t have to leave this wonderful, life giving association. I am still able to help the work in satisfying, small ways.