Earlier this year we were asked by the amazing folks from the from the LGBT+ Giving Circle 3 questions for their newsletter and we were happy to answer!
Question 1:
What does receiving a grant from the LGBT+ Giving Circle mean to you and your organization?
This grant helps support our in school staff so that they can facilitate creating an environment of acceptance and celebration of self. We serve LGBTQ students and staff when we create those environments!
Our program is mindful of the impact of poverty and educational gaps for LGBTQ people of color and our organization seeks to improve and enhance the quality of life for all people in our region through our work in schools with students, and professional development.
Question 2:
What is the intended impact of the grant? What do you hope it will achieve?
We provide social emotional learning and support, nonviolence education, and conflict resolution for students in the Rochester City School District. And since we are a community partner, we are able to prioritize the wellbeing of students and staff, and speak out on behalf of students in particular when the system fails them.
- We support the growth of adults in the district, to learn about and from marginalized communities’ and their perspectives.
- We build trusting relationships with lgbt+ students, some of whom find it hard to feel safe at home and in school.
- We lead circles in classrooms to build community, give students a voice, and to discuss the topics described above in developmentally appropriate ways.
Question 3:
Here are answers from two students who benefit from our work: Do you think it’s important to have a space like this room, that supports lgbtq+ students in our school? Why?
I think it’s important not just for students, and not just for students who are lgbt+, but for everybody, since everybody needs a safe space to talk about things. If you don’t support it, you shouldn’t go around saying that, because some people are scared to reveal that they’re lgbtq+. You’re a trustworthy person- and kids need to trust adults.
C.M. 7th grade
Yes, because I think the people that think they can’t fit in because they’re lgbtq+- this is like a safe area for them and they can talk about whatever they’re thinking. It’s also a place where you can chill and relax whenever you’re stressed out. When I was at my darkest moments, I was able to come and talk to you, and express my feelings in a way that I won’t get judged.
J.G. 8th grade